
Plant genetic resources (PGR) are conserved in the UK using a combination of ex situ and in situ techniques. Ex situ plant genetic resource collections are maintained by a wide range of institutions on a number of sites and in situ diversity is maintained in nature or by farmers / gardeners / enthusiasts. The system operates as a decentralised network with ex situ collections often being based alongside active research institutions and in situ diversity maintained less formally by nature conservation agencies and those whose primary concern is food production.

The UKPGRG was formed as an informal group to provide a forum for those actively involved in the conservation and use of UK PGR to meet and discuss plant genetic resources issues, technical matters, the development of integrated programmes and provide policy advice for government departments. The group's terms of reference act to promote the exchange of information both scientific and technical relating to plant genetic resources both within the UK and internationally. The Group also provides advice to interested Government departments on technical and policy matters which relate to the UK or the UK's international role in the area of plant genetic resources and agro-biodiversity conservation. The group's membership is broad based reflecting the wider aspects of plant genetic resources conservation and utilisation.

Further details concerning the group can be obtained by contacting the following;

Dr Nigel Maxted
Chairman UKPGRG

School of Biosciences
University of Birmingham
Birmingham B15 2TT, UK

2 Marsham Street

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7895 5468

This site presents plant genetic resource activities represented within the Group together with more detailed information on holdings and associated genetic resource activities. The primary outputs are contained within the Minutes (below) of the regular meetings held in Westminster.

Terms of reference.
Minutes and Presentations
Further information.



WWW ukpgrg