Welcome to UKPGRG
The UK Plant Genetic Resources Group (UKPGRG) serves as the technical forum to discuss and implement the conservation and use of plant genetic resources in the UK. The broad membership includes both curators of ex situ plant genetic resource centres, those involved in in situ conservation, and representatives from non-governmental organisation, the commercial plant breeding sector and Universities. Botanic gardens, the Forestry Commission and statutory collections are also represented. The Group provides advice and technical support to Government Departments on technical and policy matters which relate to the UK or the UK's international role in the area of plant genetic resources.
Member centres of the UKPGRG
- Aberystwyth University Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences,
- BGCI (Botanic Gardens Conservation International)
- Commonwealth Potato Collection
- DEFRA's National Fruit Collections
- Garden Organic - the Organic Organisation, Heritage Seed Library
- John Innes Centre Genetic Resources Unit - Germplasm Collections
- Millennium Seed Bank Project, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Wakehurst Place
- Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre
- Plant Heritage
- Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture (SASA)
- University of Birmingham
- Warwick HRI Genetic Resources
Selected Links:
- Bioversity International
- Centre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands
- DEFRA: The Nagoya Protocol
- The Eden project
- FAO commission on Plant Genetic Resources
- Global Crop Diversity Trust
- Maize Genetics and Genomics Database
- Natural History Museum - native flora
- PlantLife
- Plants for a future - 'resource for edible and other useful plants'
- Scottish landraces
- Species 2000 - Catalogue of life indexing the worlds known species
- USDA Plants National Database